Kylie Jenner Admits To Lip Fillers In New ‘Kardashians’ Clip: VIDEO. Also, #KardBlock

So, Kylie Jenner gets lip fillers.

Why I am posting this? So young women/girls can stop sucking on shot glasses.

Here is the new clip from KUWTK:

In other news - KardBlock.

Read on:



We're tired of logging on to any site and seeing stories of the Kardashian family overshadow REAL news. 

So... we're creating an AdBlock version of the Kardashians, the #KardBlock.


We don't care about how Kanye & Kim didn't care when Amy Schumer 'fell over'. 

We don't care about who the Kardashians are or aren't sleeping with. 

We don't care that Kim dyed her hair blonde. 

We don't care about the Kardashians.


We do however care about raising awareness of transexuality, the one benefit of the Kardashians.

We do care about raising attention and money for the thousands that died in Nepal. 

We do care about the tens of thousands being slaughtered by ISIS.


We care that other people care more about, or know more about the Kardashians than these issues.



What Does KardBlock Do?


If there's anything on your newsfeed, the website you're on, whatever... we simply make it disappear .

You won't ever know the stories about the Kardashians are there, because you won't ever see them.

We are also working on customization to block content related to Justin Bieber.

Why? So you can see more of the real issues.


I'm James Shamsi, together with we want to make the internet a better place.

Join now for exclusive beta access to the best thing to happen to the internet since the Kardashians.
