Save Our Sons: Elie Eid Interview + Red Carpet Photos from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy 'A Night Before Christmas' Gala Dinner, 2014

On Saturday December 6, Seebo Networks teamed up with Save our Sons and their celebrity ambassadors to raise much needed awareness and funds to find a cure for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). A form of MS, characterised by aggressive muscle degeneration, leading to inability to walk and eventually death, with 99 per cent of all children affected being boys.

Encouraging guests to dig deep on the night, Save Our Sons ambassadors included Home and Away’s Ada Nicodemou and Lynne McGranger, 2WS FM’s Brendan Jones, Channel 9’s Erin Molan and footballing legends Michael Ennis and Josh Reynolds,  as well as 2GB’s Alan Jones as master of ceremonies. Sydney’s iconic Luna Park turned into a winter wonderland on the night. Here are some photos, with more below:

Ray Hadley was at the helm of the auction, with some incredible ‘money can’t buy prizes’ up for grabs, including a personal invite from Aussie superstar Hugh Jackman, who has donated an all expenses paid trip to New York to join him for brunch.

Guests were entertained by the cast of “Wicked” and treated to a surprise chart topping ARIA performance - it was the sensational Justice Crew, and they put on their usual spectacular show.

Since its inception in 2008, community and celebrity support for Save Our Sons continues to grow, as does their list of ambassadors who constantly dedicate their time to support and promote the cause.

“We are blessed to have the support of some very special Aussie friends, who lend their support to fight DMD through activities to raising awareness and their ambassadorial roles. With their help, each and every day, we get closer and closer to funding critical research to help find a cure. Words can’t express how grateful we are for their support,” said Elie Eid, Founder of Save Our Sons.

Seebo’s commitment to Save Our Sons did not end on the night, as they pledged their ongoing support. Their goal is to raise $750 000 for Save Our Sons and fund one of their first clinical trials, by donating $50 from the sale of every Seebo MAXX via their website using the promo code ‘SOS’.

“As a homegrown Aussie company, we recognize there are many worthy local causes in need of support, but when Elie took the time to share his journey with us, there was no doubt that we would do everything we could to help him in his efforts to find a cure for DMD. We are thrilled to be in a position to be able to support Save Our Sons and encourage everyone else to do the same,” said Con Vasiliou, Director, Seebo Networks.

Celebrity guests also included: Brendan Jones, Steve Roach, Michael Ennis, Josh Reynolds, Ben Elias, Angry Anderson, Adam Wilcox, Ortenzia Borre, Rob Shehadie, Tahir Bilgic, Jeff Fenech, Prue MacSween, and Adam MacDougall.

Eli sat down for a Q & A with Josie's Juice about the incredible organisation he founded, ion honour of his son, who is living with DMD.

Tell me, why did you want to start an organisation like Save Our Sons?

Elie: I started Save Our Sons because I could not accept the fact that my son is going to die. As a father, I could not sit back and accept his diagnosis without putting up a fight.

How did you feel when notable people started to get on board. Who were some of the first?

Elie: I was extremely humbled and felt blessed.

Save Our Sons is extremely fortunate to have a variety of wonderful friends who lend their support to fighting DMD through raising awareness and funds via ambassadorial roles. Our first Ambassador joined us in 2008, Ada Nicodemou (Home and Away), followed by Mark Geyer (NRL Legend) in 2010, and between them they have played a major role in helping widespread awareness of DMD and ultimately the increase of celebrity support. Today, we are fortunate to have over 30 plus celebrity ambassadors.

What do you hope to achieve from the event? And what was the result from the event?

Elie: Last Saturday was our biggest fundraising event to date. We are looking to raise awareness about DMD and hopefully a minimum of $250k which is the amount which we will be donating towards 4th and 5th Scientific trials along with a donation for a minimum of 2 stand up wheelchairs ($30K) to go to kids with DMD who will take part in a national trial.

Hopefully we can raise much more so we can secure the trials in 2016 and allow our kids be amongst the first in the world to take part in these human trials, should science reach its milestone.

What's the single most important thing you'd like people to know about Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy?

Elie: There is no cure and no one survives. Well, not if I can help it. 

For more on Save Our Sons, and to donate to the cause:
