'Forbidden love': Aussie woman in Lebanon: Sunday Night - VIDEO

On Channel 7's 'Sunday Night' program, they follow the Australian couple who made headlines a few months ago when a young mother fled the country for Lebanon, and later asked the Australian government for assistance in returning.

Here is more to the story, below. But first, from the show's Facebook page:

'The shocking story of an Australian mother controlled by Islamic law - hunted by her estranged husband, charged with adultery and disowned by her family for being with a man who loved her.'
As per the 'Sunday Night' Facebook page:

'We follow the unthinkable struggle of an Australian woman fighting to leave a controlling marriage to be with the man she loves. But Mahassan has been shunned by her family and her culture and labelled a criminal.'

Here is a trailer for the interview, which screens this Sunday:

'Sunday Night' will screen on Sunday (and each Sunday) at 8pm, on Channel 7.

More photos of the couple released to media at the time of the headlines:
